You should know crooks never take a day off. They have 24 hours in every day to try to come up with a way to scheme your hard-earned money or your valuables. You have to admit when you hear the creative plots these characters dream up you wonder if they would put the same amount of effort is doing good deeds, the subject matter of the blog could be much different.
Here is what id going around on the internet and social media and it is interesting. When you write the new year “2020” on any document and were talking about checks (if you still write checks) or any document, write the year in the entirety.
Here is what I am talking about. If you write 1/4/20, someone can come after you and write something after the 20. They could change the year to any year they wanted. They could, for example, put an 11 after the 20. So now 1/4/20 is 1/4/2011. Do you see the problem? You have now signed a document with an incorrect date.

The bad guys never take a day off, and all of us need to be aware of the small bits of information that can protect us and our property. Before you read this story, would you have thought of the quick and easy way to change the date on a document? You see, you and I don’t think that way, therefore we don’t see what they see because the crooks are always looking at things differently.
Again, when you’re writing the year on a document, check or money order be sure to write the complete 4 digit year to foil any chance of a bad guy having a good day.