The nonprofit group TRAIL has announced the cancellation of two upcoming events.
The Ride For Rox Bike Ride has been canceled. The Bike Ride was originally set for Saturday, April 4, 2020.
The B.A.L.L. (Bike Across La Louisiane – Bike The Boot) has also been canceled. The ride was set for Monday, April 27 – Thursday, May 1, 2020.
Cycle Zydeco has been canceled. There are plans to reschedule the 5-day festival to a later date.
The Shark Bayou Blast set for Sunday, April 5, 2020, has been canceled.
As of today, the Bayou Vermilion Paddle Battle will still be held as planned.
TRAIL is closely monitoring reports surrounding the Coronavirus. If you need information on the canceled events, please contact the TRAIL Office.