Come on’ tell me this did not happen?

The deadly accident on I10 near Breaux Bridge Monday which involved 3 Semi-tractors and one vehicle closed down the interstate for most of the day.
According to KLFY-TV, the reason for the closure was due to the clean up from the cargo of the trucks which littered the highway. One of the trucks involved in the wreck was hauling toilet paper and the interstate was peppered with rolls upon rolls of toilet paper.
During the cleanup Monday afternoon, desperate thieves made off with some of the cargo.
So imagine this if you will, you pass by this horrific accident and you see rolls and rolls of toilet paper on the side of the interstate and decide, “hmmm, I think I’ll grab a roll or twenty”. Who does that?
Police have pictures from the scene and need the public’s help in identifying the TP thieves.
Legally the toilet paper remains property of the company hauling the cargo which means, people who decided to pick up the cargo from the road stole toilet paper from the trucking company.
I think I have heard it all now!
Anyone with information should contact Breaux Bridge Police us at 337-332-2186.