Some days are good and some days are not so good. It is hard to say what triggers a “bad mood.’ It could be a number of things from sleep deprivation, money problems, arguments, cloudy weather or even, the craziest one yet, no reason. But one thing is certain, it is impossible to be in a good mood all the time.
Especially on Monday, what is it about Monday. I think I had the case of the Mondays all last week. You just wake up not happy. But what do you do at work when your coworker pops in your office for a quick chat? Well according to science, don’t fake it. Be authentic. If you are not happy, do not force a smile.
Researchers from the University of Arkansas have discovered that it is better to be real and show your true emotions. When a person is authentic, it results in better productivity. You will actually get more work done when you are honest about your emotions and it will also improve your relationship with your coworkers.
According to this research, if you are feeling under the weather and downright miserable, showing those “not-so-happy” emotions will help you connect with coworkers. The support you receive will help you achieve your goals. A fake smile creates distrust.
In other words, your coworkers can tell if something is bothering you and if you are acting cheery, it could come across as being fake. If coworkers see you as a fake person, this could create a rift in the team. Plus, according to this study, hiding emotions is extremely tiring. It can lead to emotional fatigue and exhaustion.
So, in this case, if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, warn your coworkers.