THE MOST IMPACTFUL precaution you can take when ordering food delivery, including grocery and liquor deliveries, is to avoid direct contact with couriers. Where possible, choose services that offer contactless delivery; many delivery apps have contactless delivery options that also allow you to tip delivery workers.
(Please tip delivery workers well! While cash is usually the best way to tip service workers, card or touch-free tipping might make more sense for now.) When placing orders by telephone, you can request that the delivery be left on the steps, porch or driveway outside your home or in the lobby of multi-unit buildings. Either include a tip when you’re paying by phone or leave an envelope with cash and give instructions on where to retrieve it—placing the envelope under a doormat is a good option.
IF YOU’RE PICKING UP your takeout at a restaurant, practice appropriate social distancing with restaurant personnel and other customers. Although the risk of transmission from payment systems is believed to be significantly lower than from people, if possible, use touch-free payment systems rather than cash or credit cards to avoid cross-contamination.
WHILE THE RISK of transmitting the coronavirus via packaging like paper bags, plastic bags or cardboard boxes is low, you should wash and/or sanitize your hands after handling delivery bags or containers. If you are concerned about contamination on takeout bags or containers, there are some steps you can take to mitigate the risk.
PLACE DELIVERY BAGS and containers in the sink rather than on a table or counter-tops.
TRANSFER FOOD from takeout containers to a plate.
DISCARD ALL DELIVERY BAGS, boxes and takeout containers in the trash or recycling.
IF THE FOOD IS COOKED, as a precautionary measure, place it in the microwave for 30 seconds. There are no studies that show coronavirus living on food, but microwaving it would kill any bacteria.
WASH YOUR HANDS before eating.
LEFTOVERS SHOULD BE put in your own food storage containers rather than in takeout containers.
CLEAN AND SANITIZE the sink after your meal using a product from the EPA’s list of Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2.