I can probably guess what you’re thinking after reading the headline.
“Seafood is bad for me?”
Many have long believed that fish and seafood are healthy. That depends on several factors, primarily the source.
Shrimp is currently America’s favorite seafood. Herein lies the problem. Most of the shrimp consumed in the US is imported. Good Housekeeping lists 12 kinds of fish and seafood to avoid. Imported farm-raised shrimp tops the list. Most imported shrimp is raised under filthy conditions in southern Asia.
In some cases, Shrimp has been found to be treated with certain antibiotics that are illegal in the US. Some of those antibiotics are carcinogenic. In Vietnam, they actually inject shrimp with silica gel to make them plumper.
I buy only wild-caught shrimp from the Gulf of Mexico.
When you shop for seafood, look at the back of the package, lower left-hand corner. That will tell you the country of origin. When you buy seafood labeled “Product of Louisiana” you not only know it’s good quality, but you’re supporting local industry.
Source: Good Housekeeping