If your roof was damaged by Hurricane Delta, you could qualify for a blue roof. The blue roof is a temporary fix to protect your home until a professional can apply repairs. This a free service for homeowners. It allows residents to remain inside their homes.
This program is available to those who have suffered less than 50 percent of structural damage. Vacation homes do not qualify. If your home has a flat roof or if it is constructed of clay or slate, the roof does not qualify. If you think you qualify, apply online and fill out the Blue Roof assistance Right of Entry form. This form collects information on your home and also gives permission to workers to install the blue roof.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is also resuming the installation of blue roofs on homes damaged by Hurricane Laura. If you had a Hurricane Laura temporary blue roof installed by the USACE in Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, Jefferson Davis, and Vernon parishes, and it was re-damaged by Hurricane Delta, the USACE will assess your needs and, if appropriate, replace it.
Furthermore, all homeowners within the six parishes are eligible to sign-up for a new temporary roof. This is a free service to homeowners.
Call 888-766-3258 to report damage or to sign-up for a new temporary roof.
Residents can also sign up for the program with a computer or smart phone at: www.usace.army.mil/BlueRoof.
The deadline for taking part in the blue roof program is Oct. 24.
For the latest information on Hurricane Laura, visit www.fema.gov/disaster/4559 or follow the FEMA Region 6 Twitter account at twitter.com/FEMARegion6.
Source: Operation Blue Roof, FEMA.gov