Here’s an idea for a New Year resolution! You could strive to lend a helping hand to clean Lafayette Parish. If we all join together to pick up trash, we could help keep our town looking beautiful. There is an organized clean-up effort coming up in January and you are invited.
Join Parish Proud, One Acadiana, United Way of Acadiana, UL-Lafayette, and Republic Services for a “New Year, New Parish” The goal of this event is to create an entryway to Acadiana that local residents can be proud of. The clean-up event will take place around University Avenue on January 23, 2021, from 9:00 am to noon.
Gather up a group of friends, members of your organization, or teammates to join in this cleaning effort.
Items Needed: Weed Eaters, Trailers, Trucks, Shovels
If you have access to these items to use on the day of or these items can be donated for the cause, please contact Parish Proud at info@parishproud.org
Source: Parish Proud