This week, Mustang 1071 is showing some love to a home baker! Ever wish you had delicious homemade desserts to serve for your friends but did not want to actually have to bake anything? You know, gooey brownies and internet photo-worthy cupcakes. Admit it! homemade desserts taste different. I don’t know what it is. But when it is pre-packaged and shipped from a factory in the midwest, it tastes spongier or something.
Heavenly Treats is a home bakery owned by Tawana Boudreaux. She creates tasty cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and brownies. She is a mom and when her kids are at school, she puts her talents to work creating amazing looking cakes! Tawana Boudreaux is a self-taught baker. Cooking was always a hobby. In fact, the internet was a big influence to create decorative cakes. She saw cake creations that other people had posted online and she re-created them. She started practicing and perfecting her skill.
Then about a year ago, a friend asked her to create a cake for a birthday party. This was her first paying job. The guests at the party loved the cake and the photo received a positive response on the internet. So her daughter helped her set up a Heavenly Treats Instagram account. Since she has been posting and selling her baked goods. Her desserts are truly homemade. Tawana Boudreaux works directly out of her house. She has created cakes that look identical to a box of crayons! Unicorns and more.
So if there is an idea for a cake that you have been toying with, contact Heavenly Treats. This is the cake artist to call if there is a unique cake design you want to be created. Check out her Instagram page Heavenly Treats by Lady T
Heavenly Treats is a local home bakery! She is a self-taught cake-maker and a mom. For these reasons, Mustang is showing some love on a Monday to Tawana Boudreaux of Heavenly Treats 337-255-7432,