Cajun Market Meats is in Youngsville at 2810 Chemin Metairie. It’s located just past the Youngsville Sports Complex on the way to Southside High School.

My son is a student at Southside High. Sometimes, he and his friend will stop at random places to get breakfast. Of course, this only happens when traffic is flowing and not backed up.
He has been telling me about one place in particular that has delicious boudin. When I get home from work, he says, “Mom, you have to try the eggrolls! The cracklins. Everything is seasoned and delicious.”
He is referring to Cajun Market Meats, a meat market that also serves hot food. He and his friend will get breakfast before school and sometimes after practice.

So one Saturday morning, we decided to pay the store a visit. It’s a new clean building full of meat! They offer plate lunches during the week and barbecue on Sundays.
We ordered a few pounds of boudin, boudin eggrolls, and a handful of cracklins. And I give it a thumbs up. We lundi love it!
Find out more: Cajun Market Meats, Cajun Market Meats Facebook