Basic Disaster Supplies Kit
- In case of power loss at ATMs, withdraw cash before the storm.
- Water (one gallon per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation)
- Food (at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food), ready-to-eat canned meats, canned fruits and canned vegetables, bread, high-energy foods – peanut butter, nuts, trail mix and dried fruits, for example
- Non-electric can opener
- Toilet paper, paper towels, paper cups, plates, plastic utensils
- Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert
- Flashlight
- Extra batteries
- Battery-powered lantern
- Extra fuel for generator and car
- Whistle (to signal for help)
- Dust mask (to help filter contaminated air)
- Plastic sheeting and duct tape (to shelter in place)
- Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties (for personal sanitation)
- Wrench or pliers (to turn off utilities)
- Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery
- Paper, pens, pencils
- Soap, feminine supplies and other personal hygiene items including denture needs
- Clothing and bedding: a change of clothes, footwear and a sleeping bag or bedroll and pillow for each household member
- Protective clothing, rainwear
- Matches in a waterproof container
- Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children
Important Papers and Identification (store in waterproof container)
- Driver’s license or personal identification
- Social Security card
- Proof of residence (deed or lease)
- Insurance policies
- Birth and marriage certificates
- Stocks, bonds and other negotiable certificates
- Wills, deeds, and copies of recent tax returns
Prescriptions and Non-prescription Medications
- Prescription medications for all family members (at least a 7 to 10-day supply)
- A list of all prescription medications, including dosage amounts and times
- Prescription eyeglasses, contacts and contact lens solution
- Non-prescription medications – Acetaminophen and ibuprofen pain relievers, antacid, antidiarrheal medication, laxatives
First Aid Kit
- Band-Aids (assorted sizes)
- Antibiotic ointment
- Hydrocortisone
- Antihistamine for allergic reactions
- Epi-Pen for those with allergies
- Antiseptic wipes
- Disposable cold packs
- Gauze pads (assorted sizes)
- Roller gauze
- Surgical tape to secure gauze
- Elastic bandage (like an Ace bandage)
- Oral thermometer
- Cotton balls and cotton swabs
- Sunscreen
- Insect repellant
- Formula
- Diapers, wipes, diaper cream
- Bottles
- Powdered milk
- Extra bottled water
- Medications
- Pedialyte
- Thermometer
- Portable Crib
- A wrap, carrier or stroller
- Extra clothes
Special Needs
- Glasses,
- Hearing aids
- Catheters
- Augmentative and alternative communication devices
- Cane
- Wheelchair
- Scooter
- Walker
- Dressing aids
- Oxygen
- Tubing
- Feeding supplies
- Emergency health information and emergency contacts
- Also keep a list of the type and serial numbers of medical devices you need.
- Do not leave your pets behind. If it isn’t safe for you, it isn’t safe for your pets.
- Identification tag with name, phone number and medical needs. Have a picture of your pet in case you’re separated.
- A week’s supply of food, water, medications, cat litter
- Food and water bowls
- Pet carrier, leash or harness
- Bags for pet waste
- Veterinarian contact information
- Ahead of time, find pet-friendly hotels in case of evacuation.
- Locate nearby boarding facilities if you’re evacuating to a shelter where pets aren’t allowed. Bring medical records. Facilities may require proof of up-to-date vaccinations.
- Ask out-of-town family or friends if they’d be willing to care for your pets.
- Treats and toys
*Dial 311 to report LUS Outages and Street Flooding and Drainage Issues
- Option 1 – LUS Power and Water Outages
- Option 2 – LUS Fiber Outages
- Option 3 – Street Flooding and Drainage Issues
*Should 311 become overloaded:
- Dial 291-9200 for power outages
- 291-5700 for downed power lines or other electrical issues
SLEMCO Power Outages
State Police – Report Roadway Emergencies
Dial *LSP (*577) on your cell phone or call 800-469-4828
Dial 511 (or 888-ROAD-511) use the “Louisiana 511” app, or visit 511la.org for continual updates about weather-related road conditions, road closures and other travel information.
Connect Lafayette
Lafayette Consolidated Government’s information and notification system. Sign up at https://lafayettecityparish.bbcportal.com/