The world is weird right now. Schools are canceled. No eating inside a restaurant and no working out at the gym. The CDC has been recommending to be prepared. Sometimes this can be difficult especially with certain items disappearing off of store shelves because some people are panic buying. But are they? Or are some people purposing buying all the supplies in order to resell for a profit? Unfortunately this happening in some places. Some are selling crucial supplies like hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and face mask at high prices. Online sites such as eBay and Amazon are doing what they can to prevent people from selling overpriced goods. It is price gouging and it is also illegal.
The Better Business Bureau has teamed up with the Louisiana Attorney General’s Office to put a stop to price gouging. And you can help. There is a Facebook Page created called “Price Gouging in Louisiana.” People in Louisiana can use this page to share and report suspected price spiking. You can also contact the Better Business Bureau office to report anyone who is price gouging.
First, you have to have detailed information about the transaction. Be sure to include the name and address of the business, names of any employees involved and information detailing the spike in price.
Then you must collect evidence, if possible. Gather receipts, photos of the advertised pricing. It is also a good idea to compare prices of the same product at other places.
In a statement, the Better Business Bureau is warning businesses to resist the urge to increase prices during this crisis. It will land the business in legal trouble.
For information and to report scams, click here.
Sources: BBB.org, BBB – COVID-19 info, State Attorneys General, BB – Report A Bad Ad