Delta Media Corporation today announced that it will broadcast the “Radio Cares: Feeding America Emergency Radiothon”, a one-day fundraising event on Thursday, April 30th, benefiting Feeding America, the largest hunger relief organization in the U.S. All funds raised will go directly to Feeding America to support its 200-member network of local food banks across the U.S., including the Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana. The “Radio Cares: Feeding America Emergency Radiothon” will air on Mustang 107.1, 103.7 The Game, 106Three Radio Lafayette, Z105.9, El Sabor Radio, and The Rewind this Thursday from 12:00am Central until 11:59pm Central. To donate to help fight hunger in America, please visit: www.radiocares.org or text “Feed” to 95819. All donations go directly to Feeding America for their distribution to local food banks. Feeding America established the COVID-19 Response Fund on March 13th. Since then, Feeding America has distributed $112.4 million and over 94 million pounds of food to food banks across the U.S., helping provide nearly 79 million meals to people facing hunger. Feeding America announced earlier this month that an estimated $1.4 billion in additional resources will be needed over the next six months to sustain operations and continue to provide food for people struggling with hunger—a 30% increase to the baseline six-month operating costs of its 200 member food banks nationwide. U.N. experts foresee a second pandemic on track to follow COVID-19 – a global hunger pandemic. Now, more than ever, U.S. food banks need cash donations to continue to meet the needs of the growing number of people struggling to feed themselves and their families.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Visit www.RadioCares.org.
Media Contact: Shanae Richard: shanae@deltamediacorp.com