The National Weather Service in Lake Charles has issued the following advisories and warnings.
HARD FREEZE WARNING: There is a hard freeze warning in effect until noon on Tuesday.
WINTER STORM WARNING: There is a winter storm warning in effect until 6 p.m. on Monday.
WIND CHILL ADVISORY: There is a wind chill advisory in effect until noon on Tuesday.
The Louisiana State Police and DOTD are strongly urging motorists to avoid all unnecessary travel, including travel on interstates that remain open.
According to DOTD, I-10 Eastbound and Westbound from mile marker 115 (Henderson) to 136 (Iberville Parish) on the Atchafalaya Basin Bridge will be closed.
Ambassador Caffery Pwky. at Cameron Street (ice on bridge)
Camellia Blvd at Vermilion River (ice on bridge)
Louisiana Avenue at I-10 East on ramp (ice on roadway)
NE Evangeline Thruway at I-10 East on ramp (ice on roadway)
NW Evangeline Thruway at I-10 (ice on roadway)
NW Evangeline Thruway at I-10 E on ramp (ice on roadway)
Young Street at North Larriviere (bridge icing over)
St. Landry Parish’s president, sheriff, mayors, and chiefs of Police are encouraging all residents not to drive over the next few days until the roads thaw. Driving conditions will be dangerous as ice forms on the road.
From St. Landry Parish Fire District #6: The roads are iced and very slick. Please do not get on the roads if you don’t have too.
In Church Point all roads are officially closed as of 5 a.m. this morning within the town’s corporate limit.
Overpasses on Highway 90 in Iberia Parish are now closed. Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office Deputies will detour drivers around them.
The bridge just east of Lee Station Road and Hwy. 14 is completely iced.
Emile Verret near Hwy. 86 is starting to slip
Darnall Rd and the side roads in Lydia are completely iced.
Hwy. 675 near Valery Rd there are patches of ice the bridge near Patoutville and S. College is freezing over
Belle Place Olivier has ice on the roadway.
Highway 90 at Highway 318 is now shut down due to ice. Deputies are checking other overpasses.